Factory: Bay 7 BSA Tools Ltd Mackadown Lane Birmingham B33 0LE.
Machine Tools – vertical turning specialists
Sales : Service : Development : Modernisation
Contacts: Iain 07808 789597 iain@vtt-wb.com
Petr 07808 789598 peter@vtt-wb.com
We specialise in service support and refurbishing the Webster and Bennett Vertical Turning Centers that we designed and built between 1993 and 2010 – the Millennium, Evolution, Revelation and Aeroturn VTCs and in providing the ManuPlus program for old W&B’s

The ManuPlus program is now in its 20th year
Old Webster & Bennetts become machines for the 2020’s Why waste the machines wonderful castings with over engineered spindle bearings. The speed gearboxes, the feed gearboxes, the brakes, the hydraulic controls, these were all wonderfully engineered parts from those times. Now we scrap them and supply the machines with clean, dry electric controls in full CNC or Manual-CNC configurations.
High quality at a very acceptable price
From the smallest Webster & Bennett 36” to the 144” Double column. We have developed a range of options to make these machines more productive.
Two 60year old examples shown here

OPPORTUNITIES - from time to time we can offer these machines refurbished, modernised if necessary, always guaranteed

The 2015 Karussell with Siemens 802D CNC. If you want this capacity this is a special opportunity
Webster & Bennett Millennium 3E- 175/210 High speed 2 Axis elevating crossrail CNC vertical turning lathe Fanuc 18Ti CNC.
Millenniums provide very high levels of precision turning together with very high levels of chip removal
Features of this machine:- In process of full servicing, full alignments and functions testing and new guarding being fitted
– Involute chain drive for very high speeds and very low noise – 36” diameter Timken cross roller bearing, the ultimate machine tool spindle bearing
– All steel 1750mm dia. 4 jaw chuck for high speeds – accepts standard Webster & Bennett chuck jaws. Maximum loading 15,000kgs
– 200mm square forged steel ram enabling high accuracy heavy cutting when required – Automatic tool pick up from the 18 pocket tool magazine
– High precision latching and clamping at 200mm pitches of rise and fall cross rail – flexibility without loss of accuracy
Table Diameter 1750mm Maximum Turning Diameter. 2100mm
Table Speed Range (infinitely variable) 1 – 400 rpm Minimum at full power 24rpm
Main Drive 54 / 45 kw Maximum Table Torque 17800 Nm
Maximum Cutting Force 50kN Feed Force for Turning – ‘X’ axis 30kN
Maximum cutting height above table 1200mm Vertical Travel of Cross Rail 600mm
Ram – Z Axis Stroke 1000 mm Feed Force ‘Z’ 45 kN
Axis feed rates 0 – 5000 mm/min Rapid traverse speed 10000 mm/min
Positional Accuracy ‘X’ & ‘Z’ + 0.0075 / 1000 mm Repeatability 0.005mm / 1000mm
Toolchanger magazine max load 700kg Max individual tool weight/length 53kg/450mm
Approximate machine weight 44,000gs
Dismantled and loaded to transport at our works close to Birmingham Airport. £215,000
We built these machines new and are very experienced moving, installing, commissioning and fully supporting them
We will be happy to quote for whatever assistance the purchaser requires
Installation cost depends on customers location and lifting facilities. Budget £12,000 plus Versalift costs (if no overhead crane )
Machines in the Millennium range weigh 2.5 to 3 times the weight of similar capacity machines that made Webster & Bennett the world leader in
the last century. The Millennium took W&B machines to the new standards that took the company back to a world leading position
As with all Millenniums this machine has the wonderful base structure and table drive design that makes all the production wishes possible – the highest
accuracy and the highest chip removal https://www.vtt-wb.com/
When this machine is delivered to the customer it will have been fully serviced to ensure those qualities are ready for action
Any other machine of this quality and strength, there are very few built, will cost several times more
For more visual information of what the Millennium range achieved take a look at https://www.vtt-wb.com/millennium
A Major Opportunity
A major opportunity
One of these two machines has to be sold to make room for a new development
Be first in and make your choice – an opportunity not to be missed
1 – A Webster & Bennett 72/90 manual vertical borer converted in 2020 to VTT-SC 2.0 CNC LM. 2000mm ram travel. Under cross rail 2.2m
2 – A Webster & Bennett Millennium 200-250 high speed (300rpm), high power vertical turning machine. Also with special height capacity (3m)

Machines can be inspected under power in Leicester by appointment
For further information or to arrange to view please contact
Iain Exeter 07808 789597 iain@vtt-wb.com
The VTT-SC 2.0 CNC LM vertical turning lathe with exceptional capacity
Built in 2020 on the structure of a Webster& Bennett 72/90 Vertical Borer as specified below.
Totally new design electrics and hydraulics to support the new Fagor 8055 CNC and drives package
The 72/90 major castings – base/column and crossrail were checked when dismantled and provide the base structure of the new machine
Additional original parts used from the donor machine are:-
- The main table bearing
- The table drive train and speed box
The crossrail has been modified and machined to accept Linear Motion guideways and ballscrew axis drives. Protection from swarf is by bellows guarding
A new ram, ram housing and saddle assembly was designed and built to provide the 2000mm ram traverse totally as an LM guideway low friction system.
The ram is fitted with the toolblock machined to accept Capto C6 quick change tooling
The massive column height extension fabrication enables the machine to provide the following features
- Height from table to underside of fixed height cross rail cross rail 2200mm
- Height from table to tool block 2100mm
- Ram traverse 2000mm
The machine has a 90” (2280mm) diameter 4 jaw chuck for low height (below 20”/500mm) large diameter work. Above 20”/500mm the capacity is 84” diameter
The X and Z axes are fitted with large diameter precision ballscrews, high precision bearing assemblies, precision gearboxes and servo motor mountings for both axes
A new design hydraulics power pack is fitted for gear change, clutch and brake
The clutch and brake assemblies were reconditioned and fitted with new clutch plates and brake plates
A new 22kw motor and inverter for the main table drive provides several benefits
- superior emergency and process table braking
- Speed box gear changing has proved to be faultless with this control.
- Wear on clutch, brake and rocker arm is minimized substantially.
- The motor runs only when required.
- The operator can program or manually control a wide speed variation in each gear range. This avoids stopping for a gear change
A new electrics design included new cabinet, wiring and switches
The operators pendant control also has an MPG (portable hand control unit)
Safety guarding with interlocks provides operator safety during production and setting up.
£160,000 ex works (if required VTT-WB can dismantle as necessary, load to transport, deliver, unload, install and assemble, commission and test)
The Webster & Bennett Millennium 200-250 VTL – huge capacity
Features of THE HEAVY DUTY HIGH SPEED MILLENNIUM models can be seen on by clicking on the Millennium photos or films
This machine was used for 20 years machining both very large and quite small components for the oil and gas industry before moving to its current very different location. It can be seen in photos and film in the web site link above. It is the green machine with a 2000mm chuck, speeds to 300rpm, 2500mm diameter and 3000mm height capacity – quite a machine!
£195,000 ex works (if required VTT-WB can dismantle as necessary, load to transport, deliver, unload, install and assemble, commission and test)
In its current location the machine had no requirement for automatic tool changing from an 18 pocket magazine. The current toolchanging is a fast manual change – Capto C6.
VTT-WB can reinstate automatic toolchanging, provide an 18 pocket magazine and make suitable modifications to guarding – approx. cost £25,000
For further information or to arrange to view please contact
Iain Exeter 07808 789597 iain@vtt-wb.com
Why we no longer design and build new machines.
Successive governments destroyed UK manufacturing with the deranged policy to deindustrialize the UK that took off 40 years ago. They did not understand that machine tools are the mother of all manufacturing. My ranting is public on my web site https://www.age-fit.com/
We designed and built new Millennium machines that were producing very important defence and aerospace components for some of the world’s best companies We can no longer build these machines new in the UK. That is a very sad story because the whole home grown UK machine tool industry was substantially destroyed in the 1980/90’s by government incompetence and ministerial lies. A disgraceful performance by our government
VTT-WB continues the support for the Millennium and the other models we designed and built – Aeroturn. Evolution, Revelation and ManuPlus
With loss of our millions of working capital over the ‘machine tools for Iraq’ we were subsequently at the mercy of funders. Twice we took Webster & Bennett back to a recognized world class position but twice success backfired on us. We have an exceptional range of designs, mostly well proven but the capital is not available for this industry – shame because I would have no trouble funding a coffee shop
Designs for sale – Manufacturing Partners needed – We are looking for partners to manufacture these machines.
The Millennium and Revelation require a large machine tool designer and builder.
The Aeroturn was designed to be built easily by a small company.
The Evolution and ManuPlus are perfect for a small company located in one of the countries where there are many existing Webster & Bennett installations
All these machines were built in the Warwick facility between 2004 and 2008. 1500sq.m. of machine tool build efficiency – 17 machines in one year

This film shows the first Millennium we refurbished 6 years ago. It is a 3E-125/150 VTC, a sister to the smaller Millennium currently being refurbished. The first machine continues to turn and machine extremely precise and important defence components
An introduction to a very sad situation – for decades we have been governed by people who do not understand these simple things
If you do not make it you have to buy it. The UK used to make everything. Now we have to buy it
Machine tools are the mother of all manufacturing. They make the machines that make everything. 40 years ago the UK had an internationally recognized very strong machine tool industry that got into trouble because weak management could not work with the unions, not all were politically motivated, and succumbed to the nonsenses of one incompetent government decision after another that promoted de-industrialisation that has destroyed our abundance of skilled engineers. I experienced all the expectations of the 1960’s, then witnessed the negative years that followed. I don’t hold back in criticizing those responsible. Look at age-fit.com

What Harvard say here is so true. It is so obvious.
Before the Industrial Revolution there were hand tools and most components were made in wood. Industrialisation was initially benefitting agriculture and textiles but not so much transport and steam/power generation where metal parts would increase operating specifications and the life of the vehicles and machines used in transport and power. As different machine tools were invented and developed interchangeability of parts, a huge benefit, became possible.
During the second half of the 19th century machine tools became the largest industrial sector in the USA. The UK machine tool industry was also developing fast producing machines whose names would be amongst the most important world wide throughout most of the 20th century – Herbert, Wickman, Webster & Bennett all from Coventry, together with BSA in Birmingham. Smaller companies in these two great cities developed many specialized machine tools
The machine tool industry in the UK and the USA were major contributors to our success in the World Wars. Since 1981 our ability to manufacture weapons and armoured vehicles has reduced with the decades of de-industrialisation policy. The UK manufacturing capacity that remains is almost full of machine tools built overseas, many in countries that we have been to war with or had a poor relationship with. If we fall out with them where do we get spare parts or replacement machine tools? Cars, airplanes, tanks, ships, railways, power stations – made them all but now we spend hundreds of billions for people to make them for us. Senseless
The effects of these deindustrializing policies on Greenhouse gas effect? Not what most people think! They have their heads in the sand.
Want to read more or argue with me – I invite you to this link age-fit.com/govt/idiocy
The 1992 document shows the quality of our manufacturing facility in 1992 about to be destroyed.
Our destruction was just one of many, as result of Government ineptitude.
In the history document you can see more photographic examples of our achievements.
We are looking for manufacturing partners for these machines. The sales potential is world wide
If you are interested please email iain@vtt-wb.com and I’ll send you the information package
A range of vertical turning centres. These were purchased by world leading companies because of their innovations and high quality performance. A design that has proven to hold its world class performance. High speed, high power, super precision turning , contour milling and grinding.
Click on the photo to see film and photos of the Millennium in build and in action
We specialize in supporting and modernising the Webster and Bennett Vertical turning centers that we originally designed and built between 1993 and 2010. We can support most machine tools
Contact us for any machine tool support of all quality CNC machines
machines are built using the wonderful over engineered basic structure of the W&B 36, 48 and 72 manual machines.
Result – a new machine for turning, grinding and PCD drilling – 12kw. Turning diameters to 2100mm
Click on the photo to see film and detail photos of The Evolution in build and in action
Since 2004 we have given older Webster and Bennett vertical borers a new life and a new 2020’s specification chosen from the range of ManuPlus specifications
A range of super heavy vertical turning centres for turning, grinding and contour milling. Capacities up to 5000mm dia.
Very innovative tooling developments and robot loading
Click the photo to see film and photos of the machines we built
Machine tool rebuilding since 1961
Webster & Bennett vertical turning specialization since 1986
We can provide high quality service support for all quality machine tools. Take a look at our history brochures
The Aeroturn CNC vertical turning centre
The last range of machines we built new in 2010.
Designed to offer a lighter duty machine than the Millennium. Even with linear guideways it proved to be a very powerful machine for precision turning, milling and grinding
Click the photo to see film and photos of the machines we built
We can provide high quality service support for all quality machine tools. Take a look at our history brochures
ManuPlus – 15 to 50 tons of recycling in one machine
That is Green!
Webster & Bennett the best known vertical boring machines in the world
VTT-WB – specialists with the history to service, upgrade and modernize these great machines
VTT-WB – updating with qualities that made Britain a world leading machine tool designer/builder
VTT-WB ManuPlus program giving 50+ year old W&B machines a new outstanding 2020’s capability