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Vertical tuning machines and technologies – Our experience

For the support and modernization of Webster & Bennett CNC vertical turning centres

For the service, rebuild and modernization of all Webster & Bennett conventional machines  

VTT updating qualities that made Britain a world leading machine tool designer and builder

Contact Us

Registered Address

Caspian House, Whitacre Industrial Estate,
Nuneaton CV11 6BX



+44 (0) 24 7638 4062

Our registered office is in Nuneaton as below


Please send or copy all correspondence and invoices to


Our workshop and delivery address for parts is shown below

VTT-WB workshop is in Bay 7 at BSA

Tools Ltd in Mackadown Lane

Birmingham B33 0LE


The blue arrows show the BSA Gatehouse for cars and hand size deliveries 

SAT NAV may take you to the other end of Mackadown Lane. A good visual help is the huge BINGO hall on the right of the BSA gatehouse entrance. Stop at the gatehouse and you will be directed to Bay 7  


The red arrows show the entry and route for heavy goods vehicles

Entry is off the other part of Mackadown Lane via Fortnum Close. This is a one way system that takes you behind a small Business Park. At the 2nd arrow is a security gate. If unattended phone Petr on 07808 789598. At the 3rd arrow is the roller shutter entrance to

BSA Bay 7 workshop 


Contact Us

 Call Us: +44 (0) 24 7638 4062

Registered in England no. 09203941.   Vat no. 424 2869 88   EORI GB424286988000

ACL Group, Caspian House, Whitacre Industrial Estate, Nuneaton CV11 6BX

+44 (0) 24 7638 4062   An associate company of the ACL Group


Chairman:  Iain Exeter :

Director: Tim Exeter :         Director : Petr Gabrhelik :